Friday, December 18, 2015

How to make your brazillian wax go "smoothly"!


Okay so you made the appointment so what now?

Will first thing is to make sure the hair is so forth to half of an inch long. No shorter, no longer. If the hair is too short the hair will not  stick to the wax and all come out. If the hair is too long you stand a chance of matting up the hair and that's definitely no fun.

I say an estimate for the length would be the bed of your pinky nail give or take a little.

Next when you have grown the hair to the perfect length you should lightly exfoliate the area.

There are lots of different products out there that exfoliate the skin and help with in grown hairs. I have my own personal concoction that I swear by. Its called "Flamingo ingrown hair serum". Its an all natural product that is great for ingrown hairs. It will cut down and even illuminate ingrown hairs all together. Its also cruelty free(not tested on animals)

You can order this product by emailing

The day before your first wax is one of the important times to exfoliate the skin. Exfoliating the skin will help remove any dead skin that may be covering the hair that is to be waxed.

Next clean, clean area before you come to your wax appointment. This may seem like a simple concept but to some it's not. Most Salons will provide you with a feminine wipe to clean yourself up prior to your wax. This is not just for your waxers benefit, this is also to benefit you. If you're waxing an area a layer of skin comes off and if you have bacteria get into the skin as your waxing it could turn out to not be a very pretty picture.

Use the bathroom, you may not think you have to pee but once you get in there to wax the urge to pee may come up. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

Okay so you've grown your hair out, you exfoliated the area, you cleaned the area, and you went to the bathroom. If you would like some places do you have a numbing agent you can use that is about 2% to 3% lidocaine. This will help women that are super sensitive. Miss numbing agent can be put on anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour prior to Waxing. This means you will need to pick up the numbing agent prior to your waxing appointment.

Okay that's it you're ready for your Wax. Now sit back relax and let the professionals do their job.
Hub City Wax Queen XOXO

Monday, December 7, 2015

Now what do I do?

 Ok so I got my wax,  now what do I do?

Samantha from Sex in the city TVshow.

Well first off keep the area clean. Sounds simple right? Well you would be surprised the questions I've gotten.  So if some of this sounds like common sense it might not to others.

● Don't take a super hot shower or bath the first night.  This can irritate the skin,  your skin will be a little sensitive right after your wax.
● Don't get in a pool or hot tube, pools & hot tubs can carry bacteria and no one wants that on freshly waxed skin.
● No sex, come on you can wait one night right.  Got a big date Friday come Thursday. All hale the V (love vagasil slogan) don't make her angry.
● After about 3 or 4 days start to exfoliate the skin in the shower.  Take a loofah or apricot scrub to the area while showering. If you're prone to ingrown hairs this will really help. What happens with an ingrown hair is the hair cannot get back through the skin so if you exfoliate the area you remove the dead skin and help prevent ingrowns.
● Enjoy........enjoy the freedom from shaving for 3 to 6 weeks.
● Exfoliate really well the night before your next appointment and reapeat.

Very simple right?

Flamingo ingrown hair serum work great, you can use it with or without a loofa. If you cant get any flamingo ingrown hair serum a body scrub will work second best.

Hub City Wax Queen XOXO

Friday, December 4, 2015

Why you should get a brazilian wax!

Okay I'm sure you're asking why should I get a Brazilian wax, what will it do for me?
If your not then read anyhow you might just learn something.
First off a Brazilian wax will last anywhere from three to six weeks depending on your hair type and growth cycle. As for shaving it only lasts a day or two.

Also shaving cuts the hair off at the skin which causes the hair shaft to actually seem like a thicker hair, but when you wax you're actually taking the hair shaft at the follicle and removing it completely. So the hair has to completely regrow, the hair shaft is actually finer and regrowth is thin and spars.

If you're prone to ingrown hairs when shaving then Brazilian wax will actually help you with ingrown hairs. What actually causes an ingrown hair is the hair is not able to get through the skin and it grows back into the skin, it is literally growing back into your body which in turn can cause a gross nasty little pustule, irritated red bumps. Let's be honest what's sexy about a bunch of red pustules all over your bikini line? You got it nothing!

Cleaner, you're going to feel cleaner it's a known fact that hair can hold bacteria & sweat causing an odor. A full on Bush is so out dated, honestly ladies what man wants that? (If your man does then good for you, I'm truly happy for you) and it's not just about your significant others taste it's about you and feeling better about yourself. You can wear sexy panties, and when you're wearing sexy panties you tend to have a little bit more cconfidence about you(at least I do).

These are just a few reasons on why I think you should try brazilian wax with a professional that knows what they're doing( pay attention to that last part, professional). Heck and if you don't like it you can put it on your bucket list that you tried a Brazilian wax, but I promise if you get the Brazilian done properly once you wax you never go back.

The HubCity WaxQueen

Hub City Wax Queen XOXO

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Who the heck is this lady?

Who am I? And why should you care what I have to say?

Well first off, my name's Ashley and I'm a licensed esthetician. I have two children, a cat, and a sweet little weenie dog.
I specialize in Brazilian waxing, so yes that means I look at vaginas all day long. No really I do more than just vaginas I also specialize in makeup and skincare. I believe beauty should come from the inside out, you should shine so bright on the inside that it shows through on your face! I know that sounds corny but its very true.

I love to try new products and I also love to give my opinion so I'll be giving my opinion on a lot of products. You may be interested in them you may not you'll have to read to find out, won't you?

I'm a little crazy at times and I embrace the Gemini inside me. I live in a small town, but I enjoy it.
My hair is always changing, from long to short, from red to white. (I blame it on the Gemini thing)

Oh and I'm a HORRIBLE SPELLER so.......sorry in advance.
Hub City Wax Queen XOXO